Topper's Interviews

ATTITUDE is one of the most important traits needed to achieve success in any competitive examinations. The most critical thing is how serious you are about your studies and the forthcoming examinations. Here are certain remarks from the toppers of several competitive examinations. These comments will help in engineering aspirants in motivating them throughout and in developing a positive ATTITUDE.

“Enjoy working towards your goal and slowly build up confidence by gaining conceptual knowledge which can be done by more and more practice.”
Arvind Thiagrajan, Topper IIT-JEE, 2001 and REE-2001
“I advice all the aspirants to be: Regular and sincere in their studies. Be patient and confident and have faith in God.”
Mashaal Dhir, 2nd position holder in AIIMS-2001.

“It is necessary to have a clear goal and work with single-minded dedication towards it. One must have a firm grasp over all topics and should be aware of the previous years’ questions. Also, never lose faith in yourself.”
Prakash Muthusami, JIPMER Topper 2001.

“There is no short cut to success. One has to work very hard, put in a lot of effort. You should have a problem-solving mentality and a right approach to every problem. My parents always stood by me. Their support has been invaluable and I am overwhelmed.”
Krishnamurthy Rengarajan, IIT-B gold medallist

“Hard work comes first. Focus on what you do. Concentration in everything I do has helped, along with my strong will to excel.”
Supreet Joshi, Topper, M Tech dual degree in Electrical Engineering

“Get your basics right. You must learn to ask why and not how. I did not go for any formal coaching, I did a correspondence course along with 3 of my friends, so it was mostly combined study.”
Ashwin Limaye, Topper, M Tech dual degree in computer science and engineering

“One has to work really hard, put in a lot of extra work for two years to get the branch of choice. But don't be dejected if you don't get selected. One has a lot of opportunities and many interesting options today.”
Amrita Sateesh Mahale, Topper, B Tech Aerospace Engineering

Learn from the toppers – how they cracked the exams:


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